Friday, December 10, 2010

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

More zombies!

I was 1 of 4 Zombies, here is a couple of pics from the shoot.
Im not a fan of the taste of the blood... I swallowed a lot of it that day. :)

Zombie film!

Some pictures of the cast and crew of "Hemma kväll", a short film by Daniel Sundin and Björn Kronsell. The main filming took 4 days.
I assisted Daniel and Björn during the filming, played a zombie and me and Christoffer will be adding VFX this fall.
Greenscreen work, gunshots, and splatter will be added. Probably 70% of the shots will have some work done to them...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fear the shadow

Here is the latest short i did at school using both motion capture and traditional animation.

Link to a better version:

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Motion Capture

I have been trying the Motion Capture system at school.
Its been fun running around in tights, although you do tend to look kinda dorky in it.
I'll post some pictures of the suit in action later.

Anyway, here is a short clip of two characters with the mocap data on.
the first model isnt mine, but the second one is.
There isn't a full skeleton in mine so the hands are not animated, but its a work in progress. :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Its been awhile, but i just finished the first real project at school.
The idea was to makw a childroom and a trasition from day to night.
This is what came out of it:

Here is a better version of it:

Friday, April 25, 2008


T-shirt design for a cheerleaderteam.

The script my group at school was working on didnt quite work out, so a few changes was made.
Im sorry , but i feel its better this way.
ill post a link to the finished short story when its done, maybe :)

And aint it funny that people back home forget about you when you move(most of them). 100 Km aint that long in an age of of internet, fuck that what about phones?

Signing out, not quite as drunk as i want to be